Object Lessons (2020 - 2022)
Object Lessons explores the idea of indoctrination of American youth. It started as a way of re-remembering and processing my experiences growing up in a Christian youth group in Houston, TX. “Object lessons” are what youth leaders refer to as simple, metaphorical demonstrations performed in order to teach a truth or lesson from the bible using everyday objects one finds at the grocery or dollar store. In a world decorated with tempura-painted cardboard skies, construction paper waterfalls and papier-mâché rocks, the truths of the bible were somehow imparted onto us in between moments of throwing cheetos at someone's whipped-cream covered face to see how many could stick, covering your crush’s car in bologna because he and his friends covered your car in bagels they found in the dumpster outside of Einstein’s, and using your tongue as a drawing instrument and pudding as the medium to play Pictionary. In my adult life I learned just how much my public school education in Texas was being shaped by conservative textbook lobbyists— how their control over publishing companies contributed to what I learned, how it was phrased, (and more importantly what was omitted) in history class.
Rooted in personal experience, yet questioning the construct of history as well as concepts of child psychology, religious education and political and/or regional specificity, this ongoing series is an exploration of the ways in which we impart knowledge and the forms we employ to do so.